“Waukee“ is a short film created by artists from Iraq and Germany that all met in 2016 at a refugee shelter in Bruchsal, Germany. What started out as a simple idea quickly grew into a fun project that allowed creative minds to come together and develop something special and unique.Read More
What is Ankedoo?
I chose this name for my brand because this character is a central character in the world-famous epic of Gilgamesh, which comes from the Mesopotamian civilization (currently Iraq). In the epic, Ankedoo appears as a man of the wilds who loves animals and is against civilization. Although he is equal to king Gilgamesh in power and influence, in the beginning he performs some actions that contradict with the actions of the cultured king and civilized warrior.Read More
“Waukee“ is a short film created by artists from Iraq and Germany that all met in 2016 at a refugee shelter in Bruchsal, Germany. What started out as a simple idea quickly grew into a fun project that allowed creative minds to come together and develop something special and unique.Read More
spreading art words in public
When I start talking about art, I feel that I am in my favorite environment. I find words quickly and describe colors accurately. I am happy to always encourage young people to do art, and I never skimp on sharing my information with those who deserve it.